Er du interesseret i at bringe din virksomhed til det næste niveau af digitalisering? Har din virksomheds online markedsføring opnået sit fulde potentiale? Med et tilskud på 50.000kr. fra SMV Digital kan din virksomhed få en konsulent, der kan...
AID will be performing several tasks to help the client achieve its goal. AID will conduct a market research and product validation to identify potential areas of growth and development for the company. In addition, Aalborg Institute for Development...
Gain insight into the Danish history, political and legal system, and discover ways you can make a difference in your community. Learn about Danish business and work culture and how you can be a part of it. The workshop...
The workshop will provide Ukrainians in Denmark practical strategies for coping with trauma and stress. It will cover the topics of Stigma around mental health, When and Where to look for professional help and will cover positive activities/changes to...
Aalborg Institute for Development (AID) in cooperation with our partners from A More Inclusive Society (AMIS) and Iværksætter Danmark, are inviting all Ukrainians currently living in Denmark to join us for this free online course consisting a series of...
Aalborg Institute for Development (AID) in cooperation with our partners from A More Inclusive Society (AMIS) and Iværksætter Danmark, are inviting all Ukrainians currently living in Denmark to join us for this free online course consisting a series of...
The Aalborg Institute for Development (AID) is glad to announce the opening of our new office in Copenhagen, Denmark. The new office is a testament to the growth and success of AID in recent months and will help to...