Cybersecurity and Compliance
Cybersecurity should be accessible to every company, no matter how small.
Our team of experts at Aalborg Institute for Development is ready to provide your company with a tailor-made bundle of services that will increase your level of protection in the digital world. Every time a company strengthens its digital security, Denmark becomes safer.
The wide range of expertise present within the Institute allows us to be a one-stop-shop for your digital security needs. All you need to do is to contact us at and we will guide you through the entire process – preliminary needs assessment, support to obtain funding, review your digital security state, prepare a catalog of measures that will increase your digital security level, support in implementing some of the measures from the catalog and advise you towards becoming compliant with GDPR and/or ISO 27001.
Funding for digital security consultancy
Our funding experts will identify eligible grants to offset your costs for digital security consultancy and will provide you support with obtaining and managing them.
Needs analysis
Diagnostic of the current state of your cybersecurity, allowing a 360 degrees insight into the practices that affect security. Processes, and technologies will be analyzed to understand how the most critical assets of the company can be affected by a security breach. A plan of action will be delivered to increase the current level of security.
Implementation Support
Support to implement best practices in your company’s cybersecurity posture, creating a tailor made program to fit your priorities and resources. Support with implementation of security measures, cybersecurity policies and processes, security configurations, training and consultancy among others.
ISO 27001 Compliance
Support with the preparation for ISO 27001 external audit, understand the particularities of the ISO 27001 certification, implement an Information Security Management System (ISMS), create and tweak ISO 27001 policies to fit the scope and prepare the management and security employees to approach the compliance process effectively.
GDPR Compliance
Our experts will review your company’s procedures, controls and measures in order to see if you are GDPR compliant. Based on the review, a plan of action will be proposed to address the issues discovered.
D-mark Compliance
The D-mark is a labeling scheme for companies for IT security and responsible data use in Denmark. It is a recognized label in Denmark.
Cybersecurity course for entrepreneurs and SMEs
The course will prepare entrepreneurs to understand the most likely drivers of cyber attacks and to secure their most important assets through a safer cyber security posture. The course will cover extensively the security of the users, through a curriculum that will help entrepreneurs to increase their level of awareness and cybersecurity levels. The curriculum will cover extensive topics such as how to protect from phishing and ransomware, password security, multi-factor authentication, back-ups and critical cybersecurity concepts among other concepts. The course will also cover how to enforce company-wide settings and processes to ensure the whole organization follows the same route to a better cybersecurity posture. The course will be hands-on putting the focus on how to use the theory in practice, helping the students in workshops to apply the concepts directly on their configurations.
Meet Our Experts

Felix Staicu
Cybersecurity Law Professor; President of the Cyber Security Cluster of Excellence; Co-Chair of the Disinformation Table, in the Future Commission of the Chilean Senate